DSI Retreat 2022 – Member Content Submission April 28, 2022 by The Data Science and AI Institute Please use this form to post the content you plan to share in the retreat. Your DetailsFull Name*Email Your PresentationA four minute presentation including two slides according to the following scheme: *One slide about who you are, your background, your research interests, and what set of skills you bring with you. * The second slide should focus on what you expect to gain from the meeting including ongoing collaboration you have with DSI members and potential collaboration that you will be happy to initiate during this meeting. A 10-20 minute inspirational talk you can giveSuggest an inspirational talk to a topic you find relevant/interesting to this audience. The idea is NOT to talk about your own work but rather to review a topic or some kind of tutorial that can interest the general audience. Examples of possible types of talks: * An overview of a certain field of study * A tutorial on a certain data science method * Share details of an interesting recent spotlight work of interest in your field * Cover one or more open issues in your area of research Title of talkDescription of the talkLength of Talk10 min15 min20 min Δ
I will send my 2 slides next week.
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