The recording of Ronen's talk is available at the following link: Title: Label-free Domain Adaptation and Multimodal Manifold Learning with Riemannian Geometry Abstract: Recently, Riemannian geometry has become a central ingredient in a broad range of data analysis and learning tools. Broadly, it facilitates features of complex high-dimensional data with a known non-Euclidean geometry. In this ... Read more
Videos from the conference are available here: When: 10/5/2022, 9-13 What: Where: Law Building 306 Room 200, Bar-Ilan University
Prof. Gal Chechik, Director of AI at NVIDIA, Professor at BIU Title: Personalizing Federated learning with hypernetworks Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is the task of learning a model over multiple disjoint local datasets. It is particularly useful when local data cannot be shared due to privacy, storage, or communication constraints. Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) allows each ... Read more
Next week's colloquium will be given by Dr, Sigal Oren from Ben Gurion University. The lecture will be given in Person. Title: Mechanism Design with Moral Bidders Abstract: A rapidly growing literature on lying in behavioral economics and psychology shows that individuals often do not lie even when lying maximizes their utility. In this work, we attempt to incorporate these findings into ... Read more
When: Monday May 16, 2022 Where: The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, TAU Registration (free) is required: Register Training for Responsible AI co-organized by IDSI Tel Aviv University TAD Community on AI, Ethics & Law and The Chief Justice Shamgar Center for Digital Law and Innovation (pending) Schedule Outline 08:30 – 09:00 | Registration and light breakfast ... Read more
Title: Better Environments for Better AI Abstract: Most AI research focuses exclusively on the AI agent itself, i.e., given some input, what are the improvements to the agent’s reasoning that will yield the best possible output? In my research, I take a novel approach to increasing the capabilities of AI agents via the use of ... Read more
Prof. Moshe Tennenholtz, Technion Will lecture on: (R?)evolution Times Recent years have shown dramatic progress in AI. Deep learning approaches employing the so-called "foundational models" are shaking the grounds of technology allowing for innovative products and services at quite an amazing speed. Criticisms and failures of these approaches have been considered: the need to incorporate ... Read more