Learning Club - Asaf Noy Title: A Convergence Theory Towards Practical Over-parameterized Deep Neural Networks Abstract: Deep neural networks' remarkable ability to correctly fit training data when optimized by gradient-based algorithms is yet to be fully understood. Recent theoretical results explain the convergence for ReLU networks that are wider than those used in practice by ... Read more
on Sunday 2.5.2021at 12:00, we will host Raja Giryes from Tel-Aviv University. Title: Robustifying neural networks Abstract: In this talk I will survey several techniques to make neural networks more robust. While neural networks achieve groundbreaking results in many applications, they depend strongly on the availability of good training data and the assumption that the data ... Read more
The recording of Brian's talk is available here: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/play/q1MhnoNJqMOBCBpADGABiGx7BUErjRyRe61hIsrWZeVwn5h0Jewn9JtO2z5BzYtFUrMB7dKckS2Us0RK.tsVtRh_-0qN13UJI Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84467714967?pwd=MW5pR216eUlvMXRFK0g2WHpNbjBVQT09 Meeting ID: 844 6771 4967 Passcode: 149008 Title: NEURAL GRADIENTS ARE NEAR-LOGNORMAL: IMPROVED QUANTIZED AND SPARSE TRAINING Abstract: While training can mostly be accelerated by reducing the time needed to propagate neural gradients (loss gradients with respect to the intermediate neural layer outputs) back ... Read more
BIU Learning Club 23.5.2021 -- Yonathan Efroni -- Confidence-Budget Matching for Sequential Budgeted Learning Yonathan Efroni from Microsoft research Israel/New York. Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84891223876?pwd=UGcyZU8rZHY2NGpTMFNuUFIzajVRUT09 Meeting ID: 848 9122 3876 Passcode: 750812 Title: Confidence-Budget Matching for Sequential Budgeted Learning Abstract: A core element in decision-making under uncertainty is the feedback on the quality of the performed actions. ... Read more
Hey, The recording of today's talk: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/rR45YFjmksHuzP9SG__a-7_MmLdVI6Bq6OU9r4RIID2QbxCzPhcso_d_H-OFdcXT.v-J1Wj5nzanD8Ph5?startTime=1622365463000 Thanks to Yedid for presenting and everyone who attended, ----------------------------------- Hey everyone, On Sunday 30.5.2021 we will host Yedid Hoshen from the Hebrew University. Please see the details below. See you then, Roni ------ Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84758320608?pwd=SWljZGxhT1lkK1c2U0YyaVVEclZFUT09 Meeting ID: 847 5832 0608 Passcode: 942440 Title: Scaling-up Disentanglement Abstract: Disentangling ... Read more